What is Spiritism of Our Lord Jesus?


Spiritism was revealed by Superior Spirits (Holy Spirit) through mediumship. All the information was gathered together and organized in books by a French educator known as Allan Kardec, and was originally published in France one hundred and fifty years ago.

Spiritism is a philosophy because it investigates the true nature of life by answering questions such as “where have I come from”, “what am I doing in this world” and “‘where will I go after death”? Spiritism explains the purpose of life, and the reasons for life’s many inequalities, apparent unfairness and suffering.

Spiritism is a science because it studies the so called “supernatural” phenomena by the light of reason and assigning a natural cause to them. The fact that materialistic science can’t explain some phenomena at a certain point in time doesn’t make those phenomena contrary to the laws of nature.

Spiritism is a religion because it has the moral transformation of mankind as its finality. It advocates a returning to the teachings of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. It shows Christianity in its true expression of love and charity, where Jesus is our role model. He reincarnated on Earth as a man like us, in order to show us how we can improve spiritually.

These are the five main books as defined by Allan Kardec:

  • The Spirits’ Book
  • The Medium’s Book
  • The Gospel Explained by Spiritism
  • Heaven & Hell
  • Genesis

Who was Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec, whose real name was Hyppolyte Leon Denizard Rivail, was a French educator that, despite his initial skepticism, started investigating some strange and unexplained phenomena that were occurring in France during the 1850’s. Very soon he realized, however, the importance and the serious aspects of those phenomena and started doing careful research through mediums (chanellers) who received messages from spirits.

The great work done by Kardec was to intensively question the spirits, searching for answers that could explain all the aspects of life. He published the questions he asked and the answers he received from the spiritual world in a book called “The Spirits’ Book”. These explanations were accepted as truth once Kardec’s group received messages in which the essence coincided in several instances.

The Spirits’ Book was the initial mark of the so called The Spiritist Doctrine (or Spiritism), which strongly encourages mankind to respect, love and help one another. It also teaches the steps mankind should take in order to grow in its evolution.







“In this story, so strange, so incredible, there are un-disputed facts, facts that cannot be denied, cannot be altered even by the most obdurate skeptic. It is an established fact that Ze Arigo, the peasant Brazilian surgeon-healer, could cut through the flesh and viscera with an unclean kitchen-or pocket knife and there would be no pain, no hemostasis-the tying off of blood vessels and no need for stitches. It is a fact that he could stop the flow of blood with a sharp verbal command. It is a fact that there would be no ensuing infection, even though no antiseptic was used. It is a fact that he could write swiftly some of the most sophisticated prescriptions in modern pharmacology,yet he never went beyond third grade and never studied the subject. It is a fact that he could almost instantly make clear, accurate, and confirmable diagnoses or blood pressure readings with scarcely  a glance at  the patient.It Is a fact that both Brazilian and American doctors have verified Arigo’s healings and have taken explicit color motion pictures of his work and operations. It is a fact that Arigo treated over three hundred patients a day for nearly two decades and never charged for his  services. It is a fact that among his patients were leading executives, statesmen ,lawyers ,scientists, doctors, aristocrats from many countries,as well as the poor and desolate.It is a fact that Brazil’s former President ,Juscelino Kubitschek,the  creator of the capital city of Brasilia and himself a physician, brought  his daughter to Arigo for successful treatment.It is a fact that Arigo also brought about medically confirmed cures in cases of different fatal diseases that had been given up as hopeless by leading doctors and hospitals in some of the most advanced countries in the Western world. But none of these facts, all carefully brought together and examined, can add up to an explanation. And it is for this reason that this story is so difficult  to write.” This is an excerpt from “Arigo: Surgeon of the Rusty Knife” by John G Fuller Now, this was a long ass explanation and you might be wondering why. This post deals with a miracle surgeon who was supposedly an expert in the art of Psychic Surgery.
José Pedro de Freitas (Zé Arigó ) was a psychic surgeon. He performed psychic surgery with his hands or simple kitchen utensils (knife being his preferred tool) while in a mediunic trance, channeling the spirit of the “hypothetical’ German Surgeon Dr. Adolf Fritz.
There is no evidence to prove the existence of a doctor of that name, however many mediums have claimed to be channeling his spirit. Arigó was the first to do so.

BIOGRAPHY(18 October 1921 – 1 November 1971)
Zé Arigó was born José Pedro de Freitas on a farm located 6 kilometers from Congonhas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. His family was very poor and he could only study up to the third grade of school.
As per his autobiography, Arigó began suffering from severe migraine, insomnia and hallucinations at the age of 29. One day he felt that the voice that had been pursuing him took over his body, and he had a vision of a bald man, dressed in a white apron and supervising a team of doctors and nurses in an enormous operating room. This entity identified itself as “Dr. Fritz.”
After claiming to have channeled Dr. Fritz, Arigó began to perform operations using scalpels and needles. His reputation soared and spread throughout Brazil after it was alleged that he had removed a cancerous tumor from the lung of a well-known Brazilian senator. Over the next twenty years, thousands of people who mistrusted traditional medicine, or had not found help in it, came to Congonhas in search of a cure. However, there is no substantial evidence that he ever healed anyone.
In 1956 Arigó was convicted of illegally practicing medicine. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison, but was pardoned by President Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira. In 1962 he was arrested and held for seven months for practicing medicine without a license. However, he was allowed to continue treating people while held in jail. Despite the problems with the authorities, his fame Arigó died in 1971, in an automobile accident.


Claiming to be guided by the wise voice of a long-deceased physician whom he had never known personally,the uneducated healer saw as many as 300 patients a day,diagnosing and treating them in minutes.He treated almost every known ailment, and most of his patients not only survived but actually improved or recovered.
He gained a cult following in his homeland and was considered as a miracle worker able to cure any disease. That he was performing his treatment with crude and presumably unhygienic tools, did not deter patients.
Arigo’s specialty was surgery. He has allegedly performed numerous surgeries for ailments ranging from cataract to malignant tumors – all with the help of his rusty knife.
Arigo’s “hospital was a dilapidated old church where patients would line up in a queue along the wall. The doctor would start with a prayer and then preach about the ill effects of drinking and smoking to all those who were gathered. Once this was done, he would call each patient into a cubicle where subsequent diagnose and treatment would be administered.

in the year 1970, renowned parapsychologist Dr. Andrija Puharich, shot 8 silent movies of Arigo in action while he was on his Brazilian expedition.

SCIENTIFIC PREMISES These miraculous acts perpetrated by Arigo may not be so far fetched after all because, the concept of “psychic surgery” is seemingly a perfect platform for them. Psychic surgery involves making incisions and surgeries with bare hands or cruse tools and their subsequent healing at an exponential rate.

Despite his demi-god status, Arigo was persecuted by both the government and the Church. The government pressed charges on him for illegal practice of medicine. The church on the other hand, branded Arigo a Heretic and accused him of being a witch doctor performing with craft.
Arigo was convicted of illegally practicing medicine and sentenced to 15 years in prison, but was pardoned by the President himself
Arigo passed away in the yea 1971 in an automobile accident. However, he was very quickly forgotten by the people as well.

Despite the magnitude of his skills and fame in Brazil, it never made it to the world at large, probably because of the communication channels back then or lack thereof. A large number of psychologists and people in general are still very skeptic about Arigo and his skills. Whatever they may say, they cannot contradict the hundreds of patients who claim to have been cured by Arigo. Hoax or not, Arigo has provided the world with the precious few evidence we have for Psychic Surgery. If he were alive for a while longer, we may have known the story in its entirety. 





    FOTO : José Arigó operando um doente.

                                                  CURAS ESPIRITUAIS

                                                EU VI ARIGÓ CURANDO

     Artigo de Javier Godinho

José Pedro de Freitas, Arigó. Para os cientistas norte-americanos, a oitava maravilha do mundo.

” Na noite de oito de agosto de 1967, o jornalista Batista Custódio dos Santos, diretor do semanário Cinco de Março, de Goiânia, estava a um passo da agonia. Desenganado pelos médicos, os rins deixavam de funcionar, provocando-lhe cólicas terríveis. A família em desespero, sua companhaeira Consuelo Nasser nos telefonou: – Só o Zé Arigó pode dar jeito.

Na madrugada de sábado, debaixo de chuva torrencial, seguimos os dois de automóvel para Congonhas do Campo, a 1.200 quilômetros de distância, além de Belo Horizonte.

Tinhamos alguma ligação com Arigó. Quando a Associação Médica de Minas Gerais o colocara nove meses na cadeia porque ele praticava, e gratuitamente , uma medicina que ela não entendia, o Cinco de Março o defendera destemidamente.

Chegamos à noite a Congonhas, linda e poética, cercada de montes encimados de igrejas e coqueiros e ocupamos um quarto no hotel próximo ao Centro Espírita Jesus Nazareno, onde  o médium atendia. A decepção foi enorme. O domingo era da Festa do Jubileu, tradicional romaria católica. Havia procissões e cânticos nas ruas e Arigó não trabalhava na seguda-feira, para evitar possíveis aborrecimentos.

Batista Custódio gemia na cama, ao nosso lado, sem esperança. No final da tarde, a boa nova: chegaram dois ônibus de doentes, do Uruguai e da Argentina e o sensitivo não tinha como não os atender.

Às quatro da madrugada de segunda-feira, já formávamos na longa fila à entrada do Centro Jesus Nazareno, onde as pessoas se atropelavam. Arigó apareceu às sete horas e se sentou junto à mesa rústica, de onde o víamos através da larga janela aberta.  Na parede, uma foto mediúnica de Jesus. Ele fechou os olhos, brevemente orou em silêncio e, quando os abriu, estavam surpreendentemente vermelhos. As palavras eram duras, em sotaque prussiano. A primeira coisa que fez foi se aproximar da pequena multidão, e advertir rudemente os que tentavam, sob mil pretextos, furar a fila:  – Aqui ninguém passa na frente do outro. Não tem deputado, ministro ou trabalhador. Para Deus, são todos iguais.

E começou a atender, com velocidade incrivel. A fila corria. Ele olhava a pessoa, rabiscava a receita num papel e o passava a Preto, seu auxiliar, que datilografava e entregava ao interessado.

De repente, diz qualquer coisa, Preto se levanta e nos prega um susto. Vai à fila e chama Batista Custódio e nós. Homens e mulheres impacientes se afastam e, ao nos aproximar do médium, o doutor Fritz nos apavora: Fiquem vendo. Depois, escrevam a verdade.

Como ele sabia que éramos, os dois, jornalistas?

Rispídamente, Arigó se nega a receitar a um rapazinho, cabeludo, de terno, bonito. Sua voz ecoa alto, meio português, meio alemão:  -Passou a noite na farra e agora quer que Jesus o sare.  Dou remédio para seu corpo e sua alma o adoece de novo.

Mas se rende à humildade do moço:  -Presta atenção. Vou dar a receita. Mas se não mudar de vida, vai ficar pior…

É a vez de um casal jovem com uma criança dos seus 10 anos. Apresentam-lhe grandes radiografias. Doutor Fritz chama Batista:  -Presta atenção. É o seu caso.

Quem lhe dissera que a doença de Batista Custódio era reumática?

Marido e mulher contam que, há um ano, os médicos queriam tirar um rim do menino para lhe salvar a vida. Procuraram Arigó e ele disse que não precisava. Doutor Fritz indicou para a criança numerosos remédios e mandou que voltassem daí a 12 meses.  As radiografias, uma anterior ao tratamento e a outra atual, comprovavam o acerto do tratamento. Os dois rins estava perfeitos.

Veio um doente com problema sério na vista esquerda. Arigó apanhou uma faca pequena, de cabo de madeira, que ficava em cima da mesa, dentro de uma lata vermelha de goiabada Colombo.  Enfiou-a inteira entre o globo e o osso da cavidade ocular.

-Segure aqui – determinou-nos, em tom irresistível de quem sabe mandar. Bambearam-nos as pernas. Como dizer não? Arigó apertou nossa mão direita que segurava o cabo e rodopiou a faca, olho de fora, irritado, enorme, cheio de veias, horrivel.

O paciente, cabeça encostada na perede, respondeu à nossa indagação:  – Doer, não doi. Mas estou sentindo tudo.

Quando Arigó retirou a faca, o olho estava limpo e todos nós quase em estado de choque.

Em quatro horas, calculamos 1.300 atendidos. Antes do meio dia, Arigó ia embora. Batista Cistódio foi o último. Doutor Fritz passou-lhe uma batelada de remédios e o jornalista quis saber se devia comprá-los nas farmácias das imediações.  Os adversários insinuavam que Arigó ganhava comissão nas vendas.

-Compre em Goiânia. Será mais fácil encontrá-los, foi a palavra do doutor Fritz, que nos deu uma incumbência: – Chegando a Goiânia, procura o professor Múcio – Múcio de Melo Alvares, diretor do Instituto Araguaia. Conte-lhe que os cientistas americanos que estiveram aqui, estudando Arigó, já foram embora. Que ele fique atento ao resultado.

Na viagem de volta, mesmo sem haver tomado ainda os remédios, Batista Custódio era outro. Está vivo até hoje.

E nós?

Nascemos com uma hérnia congênita. Desde a mais tenra idade, os médicos recomendavam operação. Parte  dos intestinos descia para junto dos testículos. Usávamos sunga expecial.

Atordoado naquela manhã de maravilhas com Arigó, ouvíramos o doutor Fritz alertar, sem nem de longe imaginar que seria conosco:  – Doentes que aqui se encontram e que não vieram buscar a própria cura, terão uma surpresa…

Trabalhava com ele uma falange de meia centena de médicos da espiritualidade. Era alguém , em qualquer lugar, pensar em ir a Arigó e médicos invisíveis já o examinavam. Quando o enfermo chegava a Congonhas, doutor Fritz dele já sabia de tudo.

Um mes depois da viagem, descobrimos a ausência da hérnia escrotal, companheira indesejável de quase 31 anos. Nunca mais tivemos notícias dela.

Antes de desembro, passávamos por uma banca de jornal da Avenida Anhanguera, em Goiânia e nos chamou atenção a segunda notícia da primeira página, logo abaixo da manchete do exemplar aberto de “O GLOBO” , na foto, José Pedro de Freitas, o Arigó, todo ligado a fios, luzes e aparelhos sofisticados, cercados de circunspectos pequisadores, como num filme de ficção científica. Título: “Cientistas norte-americanos concluem: Arigó é a oitava maravilha do Mundo”.


1956 / O padre José Della Mutta, padre Zezinho, muito popular em Goiânia como educador e vigário do Ateneu Dom Bosco comparece ao Hospital São Lucas para ministrar a extrema-unção a um aluno, desenganado pela junta médica, acometido de nefrite e uremia. Nome do Doente: Batista Custódio dos Santos.

1962 / O jornalista Lourival Batista Pereira, o colunista LBP de “O POPULAR”, conversa com o médico Dirley de Souza Aguiar, em frente ao Grande Hotel. Na calçada passa um jovem, alto, magro, e o doutor Dirley o mostra a LBP e lamenta:  – Está vendo aquele moço?  Não tem mais dois anos de vida. No laboratório do médico, o rapaz fazia rotineiramente os exames de sangue e urina. Nome do condenado à morte : Batista Custódio dos Santos.

1967 / Batista Custódio dos Santos ouve do Doutor Fritz, em Congonhas do Campo: – Você vai sarar.

1995 / Batista Custódio dos Santos, aos 57 anos de idade, tabalha, normalmente, como diretor do “Diário da Manhã”.

Observação : Este artigo foi um depoimento de Jávier Godinho, testemunha ocular do doutor Fritz, escrito em 1995.

Existem muito mais coisas estranhas entre o céu a e a terra que nossa mediana inteligência não pode compreender.

Post. Nicéas Romeo Zanchett


Mystics of the Catholic Church

This website is devoted to the extraordinary mystics and visionaries of the Church, especially those who are lesser known, such as St Gemma Galgani, Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, Sr Consolata Betrone, Therese Neumann, Rev. Pere Lamy, Gabrielle Bossis, Josefa Menendez, Marthe Robin, Servant of God Louise Lateau, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity, Sister Maria Antonia and others. The author endeavors always to be in communion with the Catholic Church and its teachings.

Maria Simma & the visits from the souls in Purgatory

Maria Simma (1915-2004)
Visits from the Holy Souls in Purgatory –The life of the Austrian Mystic, Maria Simma (1915-2004)
By: Glenn Dallaire
[Primary sources for this article are “The Amazing Secrets of the Souls in Purgatory -an interview with Maria Simma” written by Sister Emmanuel Maillard and also the book “Get Us Out Of Here- Maria Simma speaks with Nicky Eltz” by Nicky Eltz, The Medjugorje Web, 2002.]
Maria Simma was born on February 2, 1915 in Sonntag, Austria. She was the second of eight children.  Her mother and father were poor peasant farmers and the family lived a “hand to mouth” existence.  They were humble Catholic country folk who possessed a simple yet very devout faith in God. At around age 7, Maria began felt a strong call to help others, either through prayer and sacrifice in the religious life as a nun, or as a lay missionary.  With this in mind around this time she told her mother that she would never marry. Her mother replied “Well, we will see when you are age 20”. And to this Maria replied “It is firm inside of me- either I will enter the convent or I will work somewhere else in the world where I can be of help to others.”
However, at age 8 she fell very sick with pleurisy and pneumonia and this damaged and weakened her health for many years afterwards. Yet the call and desire to serve God by helping others continued to grow throughout her formative teenage years and by age 17 she received permission from her parents and the religious superiors to enter ‘The Sacred Heart of Jesus’  convent in Hall (Tyrol), Austria.  But after less than a year the mother superior informed her that she was too weak and sickly for the rigors of religious life in their particular convent, and thus she obligated to leave.
Still determined that she was to be a nun she requested admittance to the Dominicans in Thalbach, Austria, but after only 8 days the mother superior informed her that she was too weak for life in their convent, so she was again obligated to leave. Soon afterwards for a 3rd time she once again sought admission to be a nun—this time with the Franciscans in Gossau, Switzerland—these were mission Sisters and she thought that perhaps this was were God was calling her. But again such was not God’s will and after a short time the Mistress of candidates told her that unfortunately she was too weak for the rigors of missionary work and with this last refusal she realized that God did not want her as a nun, but that her apostolate was to be a unmarried layperson living “in the world” amongst her fellow countrymen.  She spent much of her days doing housework and sewing, helping around the farm and surrounding farms, and watching neighbors children.  Most of all she lived each moment in a spirit of love, prayer and devotion to God and her neighbor, living out her Catholic faith to the best of her ability. And it should be noted that at a young age her mother had taught her to pray frequently for the poor souls in purgatory so this too was something that was a part of her life since childhood.

A beautiful miracle that occurred during her childhood
“One of my happiest moments of my childhood happened when I was fif­teen which was in 1930 or so.
One of my brothers and I were working on a farm in Bavaria. When we applied for work there the farmer had clearly promised us that we would always be able to attend Sunday Mass; but it was not long be­fore I came to the conclusion that this promise was only valid for my brother, but not for me. This was because nearly every Sunday morning the farm­er’s wife became mysteriously ill and insisted that I stay at home to attend to her rather than letting me go to church with my brother.
“Soon Pentecost was coming and I again wondered what the farm­er’s wife would do. The night before Pentecost Sunday she was entirely healthy and so I hoped with great expectation that I would be able to go to Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the next morning. But, at nine o’clock Sunday morning she again suddenly became sick — with a mysterious headache — and told me in no uncertain terms that I had to stay with her again because I just couldn’t leave her alone when she was sick!
I was broken! By one o’clock in the afternoon the headache left her and she said I could go. I ran outside and went around an unoccupied out-building behind which there was a bench with a peaceful view. There I cried in des­peration for again having missed Holy Mass which I loved so much, and on such a big feast day! Suddenly I was surrounded by a cloud of white doves that settled slowly all around me in the grass – they were everywhere! In the grass, on my lap, all the way around me — just everywhere! They stayed for at least an hour!
“My tears of sadness had quickly changed to tears of joy and I was engulfed in such happiness that all else was gone. Then they left. Afterwards, I told my brother about them, but we did not tell anybody else. Over the follow­ing weeks he asked neighboring farmers whether there were any white doves or pigeons in the area and the answer was always the same __ there were none. I do not think another experience from my childhood touched me as deeply as this had. It was pure beauty!”
Visits from the suffering Souls in Purgatory
In 1940 came the first visit from a Holy Soul (a departed soul from Purgatory)  –Maria was age 25. The holy soul–a man– appeared to her in a vision one night. He was pacing back and forth in her bedroom at the foot of her bed.  Confused, she called out to him and said “Who are you?” but she received no reply.  Then she hopped out of bed and tried to grasp him saying “How did you get in here? Go away”, he gave no response and as she reached out to touch him he disappeared. However, as soon as she got back into bed he reappeared, pacing back and forth once again. She wondered how is it that she could readily see this man, but not speak to or touch him. She thought to herself, “Well, so long as he does not come near me” and she remained watching him and after awhile he disappeared and she remained awake pondering the meaning of what happened.
The next day she immediately went to see her parish priest, Fr. Alfons Matt, to tell him all that had happened. After I explained everything to him he said “it could be a poor soul from Purgatory.  If such a thing should ever happen again, do not say “Who are you?” but say “What is it that you need from me?”
The next night the man suddenly appeared again, once again pacing back and forth. This time Maria immediately asked “What is it that you need from me?” The man suddenly stopped, turned towards her and replied “Please have three holy Masses said for my intentions and then I will be delivered.”  And then he immediately disappeared and Maria said “It was then that I knew that he was a poor soul.” The next day she once again told her parish priest, Fr. Alfons Matt,  what had happened and the three requested masses were said.  The good priest also told her to always seek to do whatever she can to help the souls that might come to her.
Soon more souls from purgatory would come asking for her prayers and sacrifices, and thus began a lifetime apostolate for the holy souls.  Over the next few years, only 2 or 3 poor souls came to her each year, but as time went on, more and more were coming to her seeking her assistance through prayers and sacrifices.
From the onset however it must be noted that Maria never sought visits from the souls in purgatory—she never called upon them or “channeled” them in any way. They always came to her without any seeking on her part.  In fact the holy souls have told her that it is God in His great mercy who gives them permission to come to her to obtain sacrifices and prayers that their time in purgatory might be lessened.
In fact, during an interview by Sr. Emmanuel she was asked the following:
-What is the difference between what you are living with the souls of the departed, and the practices of spiritism (by mediums/psychics etc):?

“We are not supposed to summon up the souls – I don’t try to get them to come. In spiritism, people try to call them forth. This distinction is quite clear, and we must take it very seriously. If  people were only to believe one thing I have said, I would like it to be this: those who engage in spiritism (calling forth the dead, moving tables and other practices of that kind) think that they are summoning up the souls of the dead. In reality, if there is some response to their call, it is always and without exception Satan and his angels who are answering. People who practice spiritism (diviners, witches, mediums, etc.) are doing something very dangerous for themselves and for those who come to them for advice. They are up to their necks in lies. It is forbidden, strictly forbidden, to call up the dead. As for me, I have never done so, l do not do so, and I never will do so.”

Some important things that the holy souls have taught her over the years:
The holy souls have repeatedly told her that the greatest help for them that they can obtain from those here on earth is the offering of holy Mass. Next to the Mass, the holy Rosary and the Stations of the Cross are very beneficial to them.  Any sacrifice we make–even the smallest ones– offered specifically for them have a great value in the eyes of God, and greatly lessen their sufferings and time in purgatory.  The poor souls have told her that even the smallest prayer or sacrifice is like giving a cool glass of water to a parched sojourner travelling in the driest desert.
They normally appear to her in their normal clothes, that is, the ones that they most often wore during their lifetime, and they often have the appearance of one earnestly begging and desiring help.  Sometimes they appear somewhat distraught but this presumably is to elicit compassion on the part of Maria.  They normally appear to her looking as they did in the prime of their life, however children and teenagers always appear as they did right before their deaths.  And while there are indeed some children in purgatory, their Purgatory is normally not very long or painful, since during their lifetimes they often could not have committed any grave sin since they did not attain much understanding or discernment, and are therefore not accountable to the extent that an adult is.
The holy souls have also told her that there are many, many degrees in purgatory, and that the lower parts of purgatory are the most difficult and the most purifying, and this is where those with grave (severe) sins go–that is,  grave sins that have not been forgiven in the sacrament of Confession. As each soul makes reparation for his/her sins that they have committed against God and there fellow man, they are slowly purified and therefore they slowly make progress to the higher levels of purgatory. The souls that appear to Maria are almost always souls that are residing in the higher levels of purgatory.  Essentially, the more repentant and sorrowful one is for the sins committed against God and neighbor during ones lifetime, the quicker one progresses from the lower to the higher degrees of purgatory.

The greatest complaint from the souls in Purgatory- Abandonment by their loved ones
According to Maria, the greatest “complaint” of the souls in Purgatory is how they are almost completely forgotton by their family and loved ones–that rightly complain that they receive no spiritual help from those they themselves helped so much during life! How few prayers are ever offered up for them–even at their funerals! Yet prayer is precisely what they need the most! All the beautiful memorials, celebrations, tattoo’s etc done and given in their honor, while they may be good intentioned, in reality do nothing for them and in no way help to relieve them of their suffering/purification.

Maria Simma
The poor souls have told Maria that because they no longer possess a physical body,  they can no longer make sacrifices for themselves in reparation for their sins; nor can they physically give an offering(s) in request for a holy Mass(or Masses) for themselves—essentially they are able only to offer up to God their prayers and the repentance for their sins, so in many ways they are almost helpless, and are forced to rely on the mercy of God, the most extraordinary and blessed help of the Virgin Mary, the prayers of the Saints in heaven, and the prayers and sacrifices of the Church and of all the peoples here upon the earth.
And concerning the fact that even the littlest prayers can help those living and most especially those deceased Maria Simma shared a story with Nicky Eltz:
-Can you give me an example of where a very small prayer made a very big difference?
‘Yes, every smallest prayer is heard. Let me think. Oh yes, and here again it concerned a Poor Soul who came to me some years ago.
‘A man appeared one night and after he’d told me what he needed to be delivered, he remained standing in front of me and asked, “Do you know me?” I had to answer no. He then reminded me that many years ago, in 1932, when I was only seventeen he had traveled with me briefly in the same compartment of a train to Hall, [Austria]. Then I certainly did remember. He had complained bitterly about the Church and about religion, and I felt I had to respond to this by telling him that he was not a good person to pull down such holy things. This response surprised and annoyed him, and he told me, “You are still too young for me to let myself be lectured by you.” And I just couldn’t resist being a bit rude and fired back at him, “Still, I’m smarter than you are!” That was that, he sank his head into his newspaper and didn’t say another word. When his station came by and he left the compartment, I simply prayed under my breath, “Jesus, do not let this soul get lost.” And now that he was with me, he told me that that tiny prayer had saved him from getting lost for all eternity.”

The story of the priest and the woman

Maria Simma tells us the following story:
“A very important thing is to accept before you die all the suffering that God has sent us.
I know of a woman and a priest who were in the same hospital with tuberculosis. The woman said to the priest, “I have asked the Lord to give me the opportunity to do my purgatory here while I am still alive.”
To this the priest replied: “I dare not ask for that.”  and right at this moment there was a nun who had been there listening to this conversation.
When they both had died from tuberculosis, the priest appeared to the nun in a vision and told her that the woman had gone directly to heaven, while he had to spend a lot more time in purgatory for not accepting his suffering and offering it to God in reparation for his sins. Here God gives us the importance of the value of our sufferings are offered with love. The sufferings of the earth are worth far more in reparation for our sins compared to the sufferings of purgatory. For this reason, a major illness before dying can in reality be a great blessing and grace of God.”
According to Maria the holy souls have revealed to her the following:
-That priests and nuns should always wear their habits/clerics, in as much as possible.
-That Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers should be used very rarely, that is, only when it is absolutely necessary; that priests and deacons should make every effort to distribute Communion to the faithful, even though it takes longer to do so.
– That receiving Holy Communion in the hand should be avoided as much as possible.
-That holding hands during the Lords prayer and that the sign of peace after the Eucharistic prayer should be avoided in as much as it is possible, since both of these are a distraction from Jesus who is present upon the altar and that we should be concentrating upon Jesus alone during this important time of the Mass.
-That dogs are the most hated animals by the devil and the demons because they are the closest and most helpful animal to mankind.
-That outside of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph is one of the greatest Saints who advocates for the souls in Purgatory.  The Angels, especially St Michael the archangel, and also the poor souls own guardian angel are also very powerful in helping to obtain mercy and pleading their cause before God. Also very important is any Saint that the person might have had a devotion to during one’s lifetime.  Maria also pointed out that the Patron Saint of the poor souls in purgatory is St Nicholas of Tolentino
-The holy souls have also revealed to Maria that it is on Christmas day that the most souls are released from purgatory and then also Good Friday, Ascension day, All Souls day and the feast of the Assumption.
Stories from Maria Simma revealing the power of the Rosary and Sacramentals for ourselves and the Poor Souls
(Taken from the book “Get Us Out Of Here- Maria Simma speaks with Nicky Eltz” by Nicky Eltz, The Medjugorje Web, 2002.)
-Has a Poor Soul ever appeared to you asking that you pray a Rosary with him or her?
‘Yes, that happens. One time I can remember now was in the ’50s, as I was taking a train from Bludenz. It was a day when many people were traveling so I chose, as I often do anyway, the last car of the train. I got in and soon found a compartment with only one woman sitting in it, and so I joined her. I had not even settled in yet when she proceeded to pull a Rosary out of her bag saying, “Now, here is some­body who will pray a Rosary with me.” My very first thought was, “If you do this with everybody, it’s no wonder that you’re sitting all alone.” But, of course, I was happy to pray it with her and, while we did, no one else entered our compartment. Upon finishing it, she said, “Thanks be to God”, and was gone instantly. So there I was sitting alone in the empty compartment with many people milling around everywhere else. Not for a second until then did I have an inkling that she had been a Poor Soul.
Sacramentals –The story of a candle lit every Saturday for the poor souls
Maria Simma says: ‘I knew of a woman who had made the Poor Souls the promise to light a blessed candle for them every Saturday. On one such Saturday her husband said, “Oh stop that, you don’t have to do that. It’s old ­fashioned, and the dead are happy. They hardly need that, and I don’t care what you promised them.”
The woman, of course, was saddened but still wanted to go ahead with it, but without being disobedient to her husband. So she thought, “All right, I’ll just stick it in the wood stove where George won’t see it. He hasn’t lost anything in there.” So she went ahead and put it in there, closing the little door that, by the way, had a small window in it. Then she left the house and soon her husband returned. As he was about to throw something away he glanced over to the stove and to his surprise saw some light inside. This puz­zled him, and he opened the little door to look inside. To his great astonishment, turning somewhat pale, he not only saw the burning candle, but around it six pairs of perfectly folded hands. Shocked, he closed the door and waited for his wife to return. When she did, he said, “Why put your candle inside the stove? You might as well put it out here on the table.”
The holy souls and the reception of Communion in the hand and the use of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Maria was very traditional in the beliefs and practice of the Catholic faith–and these views, she stated, was because of what the ‘holy souls’ had taught her. For instance, she was very much against the reception of Communion in the hand. According to her, the holy souls taught her that receiving Communion in the hand was offensive to God, and moreover that the Bishops who had pushed for this practice in their Dioceses had committed a grave sacrilege, and would have to pay dearly for this in Purgatory. In fact, the holy souls had allegedly told of one certain Bishop who had to stay in Purgatory until the end of the world, apparently for this very reason. And then she also stated that there is a bishop who is going to have to stay in Purgatory until the permission for Communion in the hand in his diocese is rescinded. To illustrate this point, she would state that none of the Popes (so far) will give Communion in the hand, nor have they ever permitted it in the diocese of Rome (the pope is the bishop of Rome).
 Maria Simma 1
Maria (Mary) Simma
Additionally, Maria was very much against the use of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers and felt that they should only be used in extreme cases—again, she said that this was something that the holy souls had taught her. She was not very favorable towards the television, and did not watch television herself–she seemed to think it that overall it was okay to watch TV for the news and for educational purposes, but she felt that most of the programming was sinful.
Maria remained single and lived alone her entire life in a poor, simple chalet in the mountain village of Sonntag, Austria. She  received countless letters over the years from people all over the world seeking spiritual advice and assistance, and she spent many hours each day replying to these requests in writing and in prayer, to the best of her ability. She spent her life giving spiritual advice and consolation to countless souls, along with assisting the poor souls in Purgatory through her daily prayers and sacrifices. She never accepted donations or gifts from anyone and lived off her garden and her skillful sewing work.
Maria believed in both Garabandal and Medjugorje and often spoke in support of both of these alleged Marian apparitions.

Maria Simma passed from this life to eternity on March 16, 2004. Eternal rest grant unto her O’ Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the departed rest in peace, AMEN +

See also: A remarkable collection of visits from the souls in Purgatory to various Saints & Mystics

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Glenn Dallaire said…
As an Addendum, here is the testimony of Maria Simma’s parish priest concerning Maria and her apostolate of helping all who come to her for spiritual guidance and encouragement:

Maria Simma, born here in Sonntag, has spent all of her eighty years in our parish. Her modest house is very close to the church and for her this has great importance.

Every day, in fact, Maria is present at the holy Mass, which in her eyes is the most valuable thing on earth.

Her religious life consists in prayer, in sacrifice, in reparation and a courageous testimony which she offers by keeping alive the Catholic faith and spreading it in union with the Holy Father.

Her devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is known to all and she frequently makes pilgrimages to Marian shrines.

Her lifestyle is humble and simple.

I believe that those who live and profess an authentic Christian faith and a deep compassion may be the best examples for others who benefit from their help, and by it manage to stay on the straight and narrow. Maria is among them. She has always been sought out by others and still is, despite her advanced age, by many people for advice and direction of the spiritual order, and for her help in every kind of situation.

Despite living in this tiny village of Sonntag in the region of Vorarlberg and never wanting to attract attention to herself, she is known far beyond the borders of Europe. People come to visit her from the farthest corners of the globe. The letters she receives, containing a huge variety of problems and intentions, are so numerous that her ability to respond at all is put to the test almost daily.

She is also pursuing a veritable apostolate of spiritual direction by phone. In this way also she devotes much of her time to all those who call at all hours for advice. She speaks to them and guides them with the basics of Christian belief and prayer, helping and consoling them.

The Grace of God works everywhere and It operates in all the ways that God deems it appropriate.

P. Fndolin Bischof

Pastor of Vorarlberg Sonntag, AUSTRIA since 1976.

November 1, 2013 at 7:57 PM Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for bringing reading about this woman. I really enjoyed reading about her. She has opened up things for myself to think about and ponder over. Thank you
November 10, 2013 at 9:53 PM Felicity said…
I have read and shared about books about Maria Simma’s life (and the stories of her encounters with the Holy Souls)..(by Maillard and Eltz) and the effects have been amazing.

Telling people to pray for the souls and sharing stories about the souls have very different effects. I have observed many people living more spiritual lives after reading about Maria. But finding the books written by Sr Emmanuel and Nicky Eltz is so hard!

November 19, 2013 at 7:36 AM Anonymous said…
Has there ever been any comments by Maria Simma that relate to the prayer dictated to st. Gertrude by our Lord to release 1,000 souls from purgatory?
December 4, 2013 at 12:39 PM Josh said…
This is a great site. It obviously required many hours to compile and edit. Thank you for your efforts!

Have you ever encountered any first-hand accounts by mystics, such as Maria Simma in this post, that might shed light on the question of whether or not souls in purgatory can pray for the living and other attending questions, such as should/can we ask for the prayers of the deceased we’re praying for, does God deliver our requests to the souls in purgatory the way He does to those in heaven, etc.? From what I can find, theologians and saints throughout history have been divided and there is no concrete Church position on this.

December 16, 2013 at 10:46 AM Glenn Dallaire said…
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your comments.

To reply to your question, yes, I have read a number of statements from various mystics (and Maria Simma is one of them) who have affirmed that the souls in purgatory can pray for us and assist us in various ways. The reason for this is because although they are not in heaven, there salvation is assured, and they are already numbered with the elect.

In fact the Catholic church teaches that the Church and its members does not simply reside here on earth–in the Divine reality it consists of three “Churches”:
-The Church militant (those here on earth)
-The Church suffering (those in Purgatory)
-The Church triumphant (those in heaven).
And together we form one Body in Christ.

So YES, the souls in Purgatory can pray for us and assist us so long as the matter is in union with God’s will, of course.

By the way, in case you have not read it, here is a great article on Purgatory from the lives of various mystics and visionaries

May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

December 16, 2013 at 8:48 PM mary said…
Thank you so much for researching,posting these, and other information on the Catholic church.God bless you abunduntly.
February 19, 2014 at 4:55 AM Brian Coyne said…
Wow! Very interesting story. I will pray more for the souls in Purgatory from now on!
March 15, 2014 at 6:16 PM Anonymous said…
I believe in prayers for the souls in purgatory. I have been praying for them daily one part of the rosary to their intentions. I saw my mother many times in my dreams and she talks to me about the problems I am currently facing in my life, I have a feeling that we are always connected with our departed family and friends through prayers. I believe it is our duty to free them from their prison and that in gratitude they will pray for us and intercede for us at the hour of our death. God Bless!
April 5, 2014 at 5:45 PM Anonymous said…
This a wonderful site and thank you for all the work you put into it. I was told by a priest and also read that when they reach heaven, all the Holy Souls we have helped will pray for us. The prayer from St Gertrude the Great most certainly helps release souls. Jesus promised this to her and He cannot lie.
June 4, 2014 at 10:22 AM Anonymous said…
Amazing woman, I think this has been a bit of a reality check for me.
I have always worn the brown scapular, and I wonder if she ever commented on it?
August 2, 2014 at 8:06 AM Anonymous said…
I have read and been fascinated by her books. I learned how important it is to pray for your deceased relatives and the souls who have no one to pray for them.
October 16, 2014 at 5:04 AM Anonymous said…
Please pray for the souls in purgatory who have no one to help them, and please pray for my relatives in purgatory also my friends who have died. Thank you
October 16, 2014 at 5:18 AM Martin said…
Let us all pray for the souls in purgatory. They need our prayers.
October 31, 2014 at 7:32 AM Anonymous said…
It is good to offer Masses for the souls in purgatory. The sacrifice of Jesus (The Holy Mass) has eternal merits for them and for us as His Love is for all.
November 29, 2014 at 4:44 PM Unknown said…
Have you heard of The Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory? St Margaret Mary was given this as a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a booklet with a series of prayers for each day of the week. There are several indulgences attached to it.
November 2, 2016 at 1:47 AM
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